Eric Freeman, PhD

adjunct ut austin, school of design and creative technology / partner, wickedlysmart agency / computer science phd / author 7x / former disney cto / oreilly alumi / yale univeristy alumni / nasa graduate fellow / MIT tr35
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Advanced Creative Coding at UT

Join me Fall ’24 in AET 350C: ADVANCED CREATIVE CODING at UT Austin. Throughout the semester, students will engage with complex coding projects to create interactive graphics, animations, and other digital experiences. This course builds on basic programming skills, focusing on creative problem-solving and the application of coding in digital art and design.

Learn Design Patterns

Take your software design skills to the next level with design patterns—reusable, time-tested, and proven object-oriented solutions. With design patterns, rather than reinventing the wheel, you’ll draw on tried-and-true, road-tested designs that will make your software more flexible, reliable, and resilient to change.

Join Eric Freeman and Elisabeth Robson, co-authors of the industry’s “go to” book for learning design patterns, Head First Design Patterns, in a two-day course on the fundamentals of patterns. You’ll learn soup to nuts about patterns and everything you need to understand them and use them in your own code. You’ll also get a great overview of the OO principles behind all patterns, and the foundational patterns from the Gang of Four.

Next course: November 7-8th.

New JavaScript Book

Co-written with Elisabeth Robson this new edition of this brain-friendly guide takes you through a comprehensive journey into modern JavaScript, covering everything from core language fundamentals to today’s cutting-edge features. You’ll dive into the nuances of JavaScript types and the unparalleled flexibility of its functions. You’ll also learn how to expertly navigate classes and objects, and finally understand closures. But that’s just the beginning. You’ll also get hands-on with the browser’s document object model (DOM), engaging with JavaScript in exciting ways. You won’t just be reading—you’ll be playing games, solving puzzles, pondering mysteries, and interacting with JavaScript as never before. And you’ll write real code, lots of it, so you can start building your own applications.

Head First JavaScript Programming

Pre-order available any day now.

Algorithms for Everyone (Live Course)

Very excited to have taught basic algorithms and data structures at O’Reilly Learning. Here’s the course description: Join expert Eric Freeman to get an introduction to the fundamental concepts of algorithms and critical aspects of algorithm analysis. Central to your understanding is Big O notation, a crucial tool for evaluating and predicting the performance of various algorithms. You’ll also delve into the practical aspects of algorithms, exploring essential sorting and searching techniques such as bubble sort, quicksort, linear search, and binary search. This exploration includes understanding algorithm space and runtime complexities. You’ll also focus on fundamental data structures like arrays and lists, with an emphasis on their role in algorithm efficiency.

Look for another offering in November.

Artificial Intelligence and Junior Achievement

It was a pleasure this week to teach artificial intelligence to a group of US and Chinese Junior Achievement students along with Peter Prosol and Mk Haley.

Students on the St. Edwards campus building their own AI models as an exercise.

Lambo Installation @UT Austin

For the School of Design and Creative Technology’s Synthwave event I developed the concept of a Lamborghini Countach as a projection platform. Built by J.E. Johnson, Associate Director of Fabrication at Texas Performing Arts and his team. Internal projection and other systems by Kyle Evans and Matt Smith in UT’s School for Design and Creative Technology. Kyle also runs dadaLab who collaborated with David Sydiongco on video content and Adam Fangsrud on music.

See J.E’s post for more.

Fabricated Lamborghini Countach Installation at the B. Iden Payne Theatre